
11. October 2021

Snapshots – 7/2021

Here’s the fourth post from my “Snapshots” category. I’ll show you some pictures I took with my mobile phone within a month and link them to a short explanation. Feel free to browse through the posts from May, April and June 2021, follow me on my author page on Facebook or browse through the samples of my books. You can find them on the front page. Have fun with my pictures! The further down, the older they are. Which one do you find most interesting? I am happy about every comment!   Spotted while taking a walk: To the right of the jar, you’ll see a young bird that had probably […]
28. June 2019

When someone leaves

Hello! I wrote the following lines for a competition. The topic was “coping with grief”. The article should be short and snappy. Somehow, I had forgotten about the competition and never heard of it again. Today, I discovered the text by chance and like to publish it – maybe it helps someone, that’s what I wrote it for.   When someone leaves. Ten years. It took ten years, until I understood what its about, when someone leaves. For ten years, I wished that you were here, that we met by chance, as we used to. Ten years, and I did not know why I was feeling bad, as the grief had […]