You can book me for readings
So far, my readings have been in the Herz-Jesu Kirche in Ludwigshafen am Rhein and in the Lindenhof Bookstore in Mannheim. Once in front of about 70 children and once in a very small circle with two kids. I read my Nevis books both times. In the Herz-Jesu Church "Nevis vom Pfalzgrafenplatz" and in the bookstore "Being happy with Nevis". I also had the opportunity to present "The Pencils in My Drawer" online to a bereavement group for Lacrima - Johanniter-Zentrum für trauernde Kinder (Center for grieving children). I wrote a blog post about it. You can find it here. There are also German online readings of my books that were not performed by me. One is by Omi Katrin on Youtube reading "Glücklich sein mit Nevis" (Being happy with Nevis) and the other is by the illustrator Maria Bodewald "Die Stifte in meiner Schublade" (The pencils in my drawer in German). I have enjoyed all the readings and would like to read to people more often. If you have a suitable opportunity, just drop me an E-Mail and we'll discuss everything.Check out a few pics from Ludwigshafen: